AIADMK's O Panneerselvam and composer AR Rahman among early wishers. Chennai: Tamil actor and aspiring politician Rajinikanth celebrates his 70th birthday today, only weeks ahead of the launch of his political party on December 31, making it a momentous occasion not merely for the movie icon but also for Tamil Nadu and Indian national politics. The veteran artist, born Shivaji Rao Gaekwad, had last week announced that he will launch his long-anticipated political party in January, five months before the Tamil Nadu election in 2021. This gives the actor's 70th birthday a whole new ring of excitement. His fans had begun assembling before his residence in Chennai this morning, holding banners and sporting T-shirts printed with his photographs. A number of them, especially those associated with the Rajini Makkal Manram, a forum of the star's fans, will be involved in charity work to mark the day like they do every year. Meanwhile, early this morning, Prime Minister Narendra ...